Python Package Distribution

In a previous post, I introduced the basics of Python modules and packages. Let’s suppose you’ve written a nice package that you think others will find useful in their projects. How should you go about distributing it?

Project Structure

Typically, a Python package is distributed along with other file such as a README or installation instructions. You might have a directory structure like the following:

├── mypackage
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

Very commonly, when the project is a single package, myproject and mypackage will be the same name.

It’s also very common for the project directory to also be a repository of a version control system such as git. This not only allows you to easily track changes in the code, but when hosted on a public service such as GitHub, allows others to both retrieve and contribute to the source code.

In order to use your package on their system, it needs to be added to the Python path. This is best done by the use of a setup script, distributed in the project along with the package. The Python setuptools standard library module provides functionality to do this with minimal boilerplate and in a platform-independent way.

The following script, which would be called and would be placed in the top level of the project alongside the README in the above example, demonstrates how to use setuptools to write a minimal setup script:


from setuptools import setup, find_packages

    description='A simple demonstrative project',

When executing this script, setuptools will provide all the command line interfaces you need to build, install, package and distribute the project. For example, to install it to your own system, run the following in the top level directory of the project:

python install

You may need to run this command with sudo, or with the --user option, to overcome file system permissions issues.

The develop option is also handy when you are continuing to work on the code; instead of copying the package to your system packages folder, it makes links to the source files instead, so that changes have immediate effect instead of having to re-install after each change:

python develop

Distribution on PyPI

The Python Package Index (PyPI) is the primary repository of software for the language, and is where most Python users get up to date packages. Distributing a project on PyPI is quite straightforward; once you have completed your (see the section on advanced features below), register your project with PyPI with the following (you will need a PyPI account):

python register

You can then bundle and upload a source code distribution with:

python sdist upload

Be careful that everything is correct before doing the upload; it’s only possible to do the upload of a given version and distribution type once.

Once the distribution is uploaded, other users will be able to quickly and easily install it with pip, the Python package manager:

pip install myproject

I recently uploaded my pyhome project, which is a dotfile management and synchronsiation tool that I wrote a recent blog post about, to PyPI. This not only allows easier use of the tool by others, but allows me to get it up and running quickly and easily on any new system with a single pip install command.

Advanced Features allows you to specify a lot of extra information about your project, which can further aid in its distribution and installation. This example shows the primary fields that you should seek to complete with your distributed project, however I would like to draw particular attention to a few particularly useful ones:


from setuptools import setup, find_packages

with open('README.rst') as fp:
    long_description =

    description='A simple demonstrative project',